Bug Tails - "Squeak"

What?...2:19 A.M...not the alarm yet....
Mmmmm...bed feels good...comfortable...
Should pee...wait awhile...
So tired...sleep...
Fucking neighbor...first time here since Fall...
Fixing something...well-house maybe...pump froze maybe...
Shit...better pee...2:43...too early...
Old Libby snoring...too long a walk today maybe...
Where’s Bug?
Really had to go...good piss always feels good...don’t wash hands...will wake up
Tired...need more sleep...
Libby... dead to the world...doesn’t know I’m up...
Where’s Bug?...leave him outside?...No, in my face about midnight.
Mmm...quiet now...neighbor finished...
Jesus...bed feels good.
WHAM!! SQUEAK!! Plop-plop
What the fuck! What just bounced off the closet door?!
“Bug! You little asshole! Now leave that fucking thing on the floor!!”
Ah, there’s Bug! Over on Barbara’s side of the bed. Sounded like she just killed his toy raccoon!
Wasn’t the neighbor...Bug.
What?...2:19 A.M...not the alarm yet....
Mmmmm...bed feels good...comfortable...
Should pee...wait awhile...
So tired...sleep...
Fucking neighbor...first time here since Fall...
Fixing something...well-house maybe...pump froze maybe...
Shit...better pee...2:43...too early...
Old Libby snoring...too long a walk today maybe...
Where’s Bug?
Really had to go...good piss always feels good...don’t wash hands...will wake up
Tired...need more sleep...
Libby... dead to the world...doesn’t know I’m up...
Where’s Bug?...leave him outside?...No, in my face about midnight.
Mmm...quiet now...neighbor finished...
Jesus...bed feels good.
WHAM!! SQUEAK!! Plop-plop
What the fuck! What just bounced off the closet door?!
“Bug! You little asshole! Now leave that fucking thing on the floor!!”
Ah, there’s Bug! Over on Barbara’s side of the bed. Sounded like she just killed his toy raccoon!
Wasn’t the neighbor...Bug.
Things really do go bump in the night :)
What a busy guy! Percy pretty much sleeps through the night. He does move around some. He sleeps under the covers as a rule. Princess curls up by my head. The bed is full!
Note to self: Remove squeakers from doggy toys.
I think they do that stuff on purpose. (Came to check out your blog from over at momtheminx's...like it here, nice place.)
Donnetta Lee,
Bug curls up by my head to eat his bedtime cookie. He leaves his pile of crumbs.
The next morning, Bernita, I did just that.
Welcome, Deb! Thank you for taking the time to travel over this way.
I'll return the courtesy and stop by yours soon.
Momtheminx has a great sense of humor. She has also visited here a time or two.
Thank you for your compliment.
I hate when I go pee in the middle of the night and then step on some damn squeaky thing the kids have left out, scares the bejesus outta me every time...
Welcome to the Gazebo, Jeanniegrrl. There are no doors or windows. Feel free to come and go as you please.
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