What's up?
Tonya set coffee, juice and water on the printed paper placemat in front of me and said, "What's up with you, Erik?"
"Not much," I replied.
"Me neither. Same-o, same-o," Tonya said.
Tonya walked away from my table to place an order for what she would decide to be my breakfast today. I watched her walking toward the kitchen and said to myself, "That conversation really sucked!"
I didn't have anything interesting to talk about and Tonya didn't have anything interesting to talk about. Her day would likely change toward the interesting, mine likely wouldn't. Unless, of course, I made it change.
So, what's up with you folks today?
"Not much," I replied.
"Me neither. Same-o, same-o," Tonya said.
Tonya walked away from my table to place an order for what she would decide to be my breakfast today. I watched her walking toward the kitchen and said to myself, "That conversation really sucked!"
I didn't have anything interesting to talk about and Tonya didn't have anything interesting to talk about. Her day would likely change toward the interesting, mine likely wouldn't. Unless, of course, I made it change.
So, what's up with you folks today?